I recently bought a Hue Bridge to experiment a bit with Zigbee and 802.15.4.
Following two
for the hardware version 2.0 and some comments about the differences to version
2.1 I was able to get shell access on my 2.1 hardware.
As there is up to now no complete guide I describe here, what I did:
Opening the case is straigth forward. Just remove the two lower nubsis at the
bottom and unscrew the two torx screws; then carefully unclip the bottom.
The header on the left side on the image gives access to the UART. Pin 1 is
ground, pin 4 is the board's RX (so connect your adapter's TX) and pin 5 is the
board's TX. The voltage level is 3.3 V. Note however that the board doesn't
boot (after a cold start) with its TX connected so leave that unconnected until
after the bootloader is up.
After that the machine boots up and you can login with username root and
password lala. (If you want a different password, set security in U-Boot accordingly. I did
mkpasswd -m sha-256
to generate the necessary string.)
After contacting Philips asking for the GPL code running on the bridge I got a
code drop and looked a bit around in the source code. Here are some findings:
Having the boards UART TX connected to an USB adapter influences the register
RST_BOOTSTRAP at offset 手机上自己搭梯子翻墙. This is used to determine how memory is
initialized (in function 华为手机怎么搭梯子翻墙 defined in
qsdk/qca/src/qca-legacy-uboot/board/atheros/common/init-953x.c). The naming
of the register together with the board's behaviour suggests that is it sampled
at cold boot only and bit0 then contains the state of the TX pin. So I guess
the machine not (cold) booting with TX connected could be fixed with a hardware
modification removing (or weakening) a pullup on my USB adapter. But I'm more
of a software guy with infinitesimal solder skills, so I will live with
reconnecting TX for each cold boot. Alternatively patching the bootloader to
ignore the RST_BOOTSTRAP might be an option.
I will keep you updated on any progress here.
After installing Debian on 如何自己搭建梯子上外网
there are a few more steps needed to make use of the network switch.
The Armada 385 CPU provides three network interfaces. Two are connected to the
switch (but only one of them is used to "talk" to the switch), and one is
routed …
read more
I am lucky and get both IPv4 (without CGNAT) and IPv6 from my provider.
Recently after upgrading my desk router (that is an Netgear WNDR3800 that
serves the network on my desk) from OpenWRT to latest LEDE I looked into what
can be improved in the IPv6 setup for both …
If you want to reproduce, here is what you have to do:
Open the case of the Turris Omnia, connect the hacker pack (or an RS232-to-TTL
adapter) to access the U-Boot prompt …
read more
After finally being able to fix
Debian bug #794266 I want to thank those who
made this possible:
Some time ago my colleague Bjørn offered an
手机上自己搭梯子翻墙 to me. After Jochen, another
colleague, helped me to solder pin headers on it, this machine served as host
computer for my …
read more
On Thursday the lawsuit about GPL compliance of VMware's ESXi products starts.
I support Christoph's position and share his view that VMware's product is in
conflict with the GPL.
Read more on the software freedom conservancy's FAQ about the case.
I keep my fingers crossed!
read more
Let's encrypt entered 手机搭外网 and there
is a Debian package in experimental for their client available.
After some reading and testing I came up with the following commandline to give
me what I want:
My Squeezebox Radio does its duty most of the time. Unfortunately it depends on
a single central service run by Logitech. Well, from time to time this service
doesn't work which makes me wish for an alternative firmware that doesn't
depend on such a service. Moreover it doesn't feel too …
The Netgear ReadyNAS 104 comes shipped with U-Boot. To access its "shell"
remove the small quadratic sticker at the backside to reveal the UART pins
(3V3, pinout available at Arnaud's NAS page[1]) and
connect a matching adapter. Also connect a network cable to the lower jack.